Experiments in Therapy II

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There were so many fascinating responses to my last blog about experiments in therapy! 

The photo above was submitted by a therapist - this is her outdoor office, 

When we sit outside, I bring tissues, a trash can, sanitizing gel and wipes, my sunglasses, and some extra clothing layers. Inside I am adding a little more comfort for myself every day, like a diffuser, bowl of chocolates, heating pad. Oh, and the computer is up on the footrest so I am eye to eye with people on the screen! I can actually lean back and cross legs and move around this way. One day, sometimes one hour, at a time these days đź’•.

Some other therapist contributions:

- Confirmed clients’ requests to record parts of sessions (if they have a safe storage plan)

- Clients sending childhood photos or examples of the creative work they have done while at home by text before sessions (using Signal or other secure apps)

- Me sending links to helpful videos or podcast episodes eg Tara Brach on Fear, Brené Brown interviewing Harriet Lerner on Apologies

- Deeper and more practical discussions about finances, scarcity and precarity and sharing resources on same - eg Suze Orman on Not Paying Your Bills during a pandemic

- Sessions that focus entirely on dreams

- Sessions that focus entirely on books, tv shows etc that the client has absorbed and perhaps the client asks me to see/read the material in advance of session 

- Offering clients a second weekly session (even from time to time or regularly) - has worked wonders

- Also - experimenting with different times of day that would not have been possible if they were going to work. 

And some thoughts from clients:

- I’ve tried outside (people walk by), in my car (people walk by), in my office at home (children walk in or are loud or spouse hears me), video, audio without video, phone - haven’t found the right fit yet. 

- I often have my greatest moments of clarity, groundedness - feeling like I am physically, spiritually and mentally aligned, during or right after outdoor exercise in a natural setting, such as a trail run or hike. I have sometimes found myself wishing that I could magically have a conversation or therapy session with my therapist during one of those moments in time. The mind and brain seems to be in a much better state to receive and be open. 

- Would you be willing to listen to my voice notes as “a session” and then we can talk about them afterwards in another session?

Such a variety of experiences here… we’re putting the pieces together differently and using our creativity to try things - some work, some don’t but we keep experimenting, adjusting…. In times of change this feels chaotic...and…  more change means more change. 

So we have more opportunities right now to grow in the direction we desire.  Whatever you came to therapy seeking - there is more potential for it to arrive or for the shift you want to happen because the intensity of change is so great.

Thank you all for participating in this “experiment”!
