Alison Crosthwait

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I want more meaningful work

Y. is on a 12-week sabbatical from her corporate job.

She didn't want to do it anymore. And she's so good they didn't want her to leave - this is the compromise.

She has been holding so much for so long (almost two decades).

A high powered job. A single parent.

And now here she is with space and the temptation is to "figure it out". What do I do next? What is my purpose? How will I support myself?

The figuring it out is a mental exercise that usually looks outside for answers - how are other people doing it? what do other people say i should do?

When we've been over-extended and compromising ourselves for a long time we don't have easy access to our own wisdom at a deep level so even when we tune in with ourselves the insights can fall flat and be easily swayed by outside opinions.

From this place you are spinning your wheels trying to find the right answer.

Here is how Y. and I approached her sabbatical as she entered Expand:

We asked: What caused you to leave yourself and be in this situation in the first place? Answer: Disconnection from self. (Lots to unpack here - lots)

So let's get you reconnected.

We set an intention that sings to her soul. We did a detailed assessment of her physical, emotional, mental an spiritual life and teach you a set of tools that help you release what you do not need and reconnect to yourself.

We layered in an 8 week microdosing journey to amplify her insights and emotional release.

We work together in an ongoing way supporting her in the re-connection with her deepest self.

Four weeks in Y. is feeling her feelings in a way she has never had time and space to do....

She is feeling anger, sadness and joy. She is connecting with her self. With all she has been holding inside as she takes care of her children and her career.

She is expressing wisdom in response to the sharing of others that is at a whole new level from a couple of months ago. Because she is connected to her self.

She is riding the waves - living fully. It isn't easy - it feels messy sometimes. And she has support. She is learning to live in the world in the fullness of who she is. It's a new skill with new conversations, habits and ways of being to navigate and explore.

Purpose inevitably follows from here.

It's as natural as the rain.

Purpose isn't a thing "out there". It's inside. It gestates and shows itself in its time.

Y.'s face is new. Open. Shining. Relaxed. Not because she has the answers. But because she is.

Purpose is right here. And the often rocky process of coming into stillness allows us to experience it.