Alison Crosthwait

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Trusting Yourself and Unearthing Your Wildness as a Service with Julie McIntyre

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Julie McIntyre, author and Earth Ceremonialist, shares how by developing a personal relationship with our bodies and trusting their wisdom, we can navigate life with more authenticity — which she describes as a wildness that embraces the sacredness of all life forms. 

Julie takes us on a personal journey, at the age of 10 when she discovered a magical place in a corner of her family’s farm where a massive old cottonwood tree stood. This became her refuge, a space to escape the chaos and connect with something beyond herself. She experienced an energy exchange with the tree, a profound connection that has stayed with her throughout her life.

This pivotal moment set her on a path of following something non-human, something from the natural world, to nurture the health of her soul.

Join us as Julie shares her wisdom on the power of heart-centered living, intimate self-connection, and the interconnectedness of humans, soul, and plants. 

“You start by feeling. It's not a mental thing. It's really a feeling thing. Trusting your senses, trusting your body, trusting the feelings that are coming. Our bodies don't lie. They're very sophisticated sensory GPS systems. Life is less lonely when you have this relationship of trust with yourself, trust with your body, and trust in the earth.”

Julie McIntyre is a writer, international lecturer, and workshop leader

having taught throughout North America, Ireland, and the UK. Julie is an Earth ceremonialist and practitioner of Deep Gaia focusing on the sacredness and relationship between Earth and human beings and plants and the circle of all life. 

 She offers workshops focused on ceremonies and practices that facilitate closer human bonding with the Earth.

An ordained practitioner of the Church of Gaia, Julie has directed a state ceremonial program for Native men in prison. She worked as a clinical herbalist for twenty years working with people in 20 countries around the globe with chronic illness, especially Lyme disease and co-infections. 

She is the author of “Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart; Nature, Intimacy and Sexual Energy” and the forthcoming, “The Confluence of Gaia, Plant Medicine, and the Human.”  


Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart: Nature, Intimacy, and Sexual Energy

The Confluence of Gaia, Plant Medicines and the Human Soul 

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