Alison Crosthwait

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Two Stages of Healing Trauma

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There are two different stages we go through when we heal.

If you’ve done a lot of inner work — therapy, meditation, journaling, etc. — but feel as if you’ve hit a healing plateau where you have awareness of your patterns, but can’t quite step into the power of who you are by doing the things you know you have to do to get there, you’re likely coming to the end of the first stage of healing.

Understanding stage one and stage two will support you in seeing what’s possible and what more there may be for you.

I share what each stage looks like, the type of work that happens in each, and how you can shift from stage one to stage two. 

“In this stage (stage 2), you're nourished from the inside because you're connected to the life, to the divinity that's within you. When life is challenging, you can withstand it. It's a very juicy place to be.”

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