If women are not free to love, everyone has a mothering problem. Everyone has a mothering problem.
Women are not free to love.
Mother’s body is an object, a used object, a situation of disgust.
Mother’s mind is dismissed, uncultivated.
Mother’s true thoughts are lost to herself.
Mother’s voice lacks the ground of her being.
Mother doesn’t know who she is.
What mothering can we do from this place?
Good enough mothering. Mothering that allows our children to make their way in the world.
But not mothering that transmits deep vitality.
Not mothering that gives permission for the child to be who they are.
Not mothering that grounds a child in their being so they can speak with their own voice.
If women are not free to love, everyone has a mothering problem.
Everyone has a mothering problem.
Our connection with our bodies, minds, hearts and souls - each of these are fostered by a person whose connection to (usually) her own body, mind, heart, and soul is wounded.
Who is expected to push herself in various unnatural directions. To present herself in a certain way, to be a certain way.
This pushing becomes a part of her mothering.
We will be free when our mothers are free.
This isn’t a women’s issue.
It’s an all of us issue.
It’s a living on the earth issue.
It is the exact nature of this very moment in which you are reading these words.