
Be who you are.

Live the life you want to live.

A four month alchemical program to transform your current inner experience into a new chapter in your life.


Access the wisdom of your current life experiences and challenges.

Feel right with yourself and your place in the world.

Open to the more that you sense is possible.

Mushroom microdosing plant medicine spirituality journey 8 week program

Expand is for you if you…

  • Are ready to go beyond your current personal growth plateau.

  • See the juice that’s possible. You want it.

  • Are ready to ditch the scripts, break through conventions and live the life you actually want to live.

  • Have tried a lot of things and done a lot of “work”on yourself.

  • Have had enough of imposter syndrome or self-sabotage and are ready to release, heal and break through into a new way of living.

  • Sense that there is wisdom in your “symptoms” and want to listen deeply to yourself, to let your anxiety, your emotions, your body speak.

  • Want to go deep into your emotional life and finally give yourself and your feelings the attention they deserve.

  • Are fascinated by the intersection of spirituality, emotions, and sexuality.

  • Want support and guidance as you do the unravelling of a lifetime of self-betrayal of your body, heart and soul.

Expand is for you if you know in your bones that there is MORE available to you - more life, more juice, more everything…

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Expand is an intimate four month online community experience that supports you in connecting with yourself and creating the life you want to live.  

Here’s what they say:


You will engage in deep mental, emotional and somatic work in a structured process so that you can fully step into your life in every way you desire. You will also have the opportunity to experience one full microdosing cycle combined with the inner work if you choose.

This is not just personal growth to heal. This is personal growth to LIVE.

Expand is a combination of independent, 1:1 and group work. You should schedule at least 3 hours per week to devote to your inner work (including calls).

  1. Initial 1:1 Session with Alison:

    - Go over detailed family + life background as the context for your growth and healing. Your past is an essential component of honouring who you are today and creating a growth plan that meets your unique needs.

    - Establish your intention for Expand.

  2. Awareness Tool - a self-assessment that guides your personal work so that you can focus on what’s most important and go deep quickly during the program and beyond your time in Expand.

  3. Two 15-minute 1:1 calls with Alison to be scheduled anytime throughout the program when you need a little extra support. These sessions can also be used when travel or other life events conflict with your Wisdom Circle Call as a way of staying in the flow of your inner work process.

4. Three intimate weekly calls:

Monday - Relax - Practice Session

Wisdom Circle (various days - your regular weekly time will be determined when you register) - Receive deep attention on your process as we hold our journeys together. Maximum five people per circle.

Wednesday - Listen + Release - Practice Session

Practice sessions include breathwork, stretching, emotional release and listening exercises.  All are recorded and kept in the class library for you to consult along the way. The existing library contains over 70 practice sessions available as soon as you register. Alison creates curated suggestions based on your intention and unique needs.

5. Group chat for community and support along the way. Alison is available for support and guidance via the group chat Monday - Friday. You are held all the way through your experience.

Research confirms the power of group therapeutic experiences.

6. Training Curriculum that takes you through the process of breaking old ways of being and becoming even more of you. 

You will be taken through a structured journey from intention setting through to the deep work (working with negative emotions, connecting to spirit, using pleasure to grow in self worth and more) through to completion. 

For those who choose to microdose alongside their inner work there is a detailed module on how to practice transformational microdosing in Expand.

If you are not sure if microdosing is right for you you will be guided in making that decision inside Expand.

7. Personal attention on your process throughout your entire journey.  This includes suggestions of practices and personal insights from Alison so you can be fully in your intention and deeply supported as you create what you want to create.

Additional 1:1 sessions are available for purchase within Expand.

Although your initial journey will be four months, Expand is designed to be repeated at ever deeper levels of connection to self and life.

Expand I

  • Take your inner work journey with a pod of fellow travellers (maximum five participants per pod) for four months.

  • Special offer for participants who register in May or June - Expand will be offered in a 1:1 format. Instead of weekly wisdom circle calls you will receive weekly half hour 1:1 calls with Alison. All other components of the program will remain the same.

  • Includes everything listed in the above section with the exception of ceremonies.

$900 USD/month for four months

$3200 pay in full

Expand II

  • Deepen your inner work journey with an earth medicine ceremony (mushroom or toad).

  • Includes Expand I + a medicine ceremony.

  • Ceremonies include a 1:1 preparation session a week before your journey, medicine ceremony 90 minutes east of Toronto, and one 1:1 integration session a week after your journey.

  • The ceremony will take place in month two or three of your time in Expand.

  • Local accommodations not included.

    $1500 USD/month for four months

    $5400 pay in full

Expand III

  • Expand III is for the person who wants to walk out of these four months transformed.

  • Includes Expand I + two medicine ceremonies.

  • Two ceremonies give you the opportunity to deeply release what is not serving you and connect with yourself, life, and the medicine.

  • Each ceremony includes a 1:1 preparation session, medicine ceremony 90 minutes east of Toronto, and one 1:1 integration session.

  • The first ceremony will take place in month two and the second ceremony will take place in month three of Expand.

  • Local accommodations not included.

    $2000 USD/month for four months

    $7200 pay in full


Medicine Work

Psychedelic medicine has received a lot of attention in the past few years. And rightly so. For the right person at the right time, psychedelics can be life-changing.

When I say medicine, however, I mean so much more than psychedelics. I mean the uniqueness of you. The seasons, the elements, the non-psychedelic plants and animals, the archetypes….

There are so many kinds of medicine. As humans we love the idea of a magic pill that solves it all. The truth is that as free beings we still have to do the work. “We meet the medicine and the medicine meets us.”

I work with earth medicines: mushrooms and 5-meo-DMT in particular. Earth medicines amplify a personal growth process that is already underway.

Earth medicine can be microdosed, mini-dosed, or experienced in a full dose medicine ceremony. Expand offers support in determnining which option is right for you right now. Many people go through Expand, experience profound transformations, and do not work with earth medicines at all. I myself move in cycles in relationship to the medicines and do not regularly ingest earth medicines.

That being said, when a person is ready to truly step into the fullest version of who they are and desire strong support for that shift, earth medicine deeply supports that desire meeting us with generosity, release and love. When the time is right the power of earth medicine combined with guided inner work is life-changing.

Alison Crosthwait microdosing guide

 About your guide… Alison Crosthwait

I am a former Wall Street trader and former psychotherapist.  I have stepped away from licensure to commit myself fully to this powerful work because I believe it has the potential to have a significant impact on the next version of how human beings live on this planet.

My approach has three key aspects: 

Practical - we live in the world and this work is about our daily life. 

Therapeutic - trauma, attachment, relationships, emotional access - each of these lenses are key components of our healing and I bring my intensive training to bear on your process. 

Spiritual - through belonging and connection we become free.  Opening to the natural world  brings us into connection with our daily life in a renewed way and medicine work invites us into that process of opening.

Combined with intensive inner practice, medicine work has changed my life and as your guide I am here to help you let it change yours.  The potential for opening, releasing and connecting to all the juicy things we desire is beyond what words can state.  And there is no end to that potential. 

For the right person at the right time this work is a portal into life as it can be lived.

Here’s how it works:


Make investment.

Complete waiver.

Receive access to curriculum and book your first 1:1 call.

You Expand

Begin the first module, Swan, which orients you to the world of Expand.

Declare your intention and begin your practice. 

Begin the shedding of what you no longer need and watch yourself bloom.


“I have incredible clarity. A sense that I am right with my soul. I am awake.”

— B., Entrepreneur


How Alyssa went from anxious overwhelmed Mom on SSRI’s to grounded, safe and sexually alive.

When Alyssa started working with me, she had been on anxiety medication for a year and knew that while it was a supportive tool to get her through a challenging year, it was a bandaid and she wanted a solution.

She described it like she was in a tsunami of emotion that she couldn’t swim away from any long: “Who am I? Where am I? Why is life like this? I can't manage.”

Throughout her year of intentional work with herself and the medicine, she stepped into a grounded, whole, and in safer physical, mental, and spiritual space.

Alyssa shares so many insights for those of you who are curious about this type of work, especially inner work supported by sacred medicine.

She touches on what made her feel safe, how to approach medicine work, how even though her transformation was massive and fast, it didn’t feel like a lot and why it likely won’t feel overwhelming for you either, plus how you can navigate doing this work when others in your life aren’t.

Alyssa committed to exploring herself and her inner work through the equivalent of three rounds of Expand in 2021 and 2022.

“Working with the medicine is kind of like having a magic wand. I say this because it's not magic, but you have a wand. With the wand, you can sit there looking at it, but until you actually activate and interact with and figure out how to utilize the wand, it doesn't do as much as it could for you.”

Listen to Alyssa talk about her transformation


Would you like to speak with me before joining?

Tell me a bit about you and if you are a good candidate for Expand I will send you a link to book a free 30-minute call so we can get to know each other and answer all your questions.

So much is possible for each of us - always beyond the imagination.

The intention of Expand is to support you in your journey in becoming the fullest expression of yourself.

My approach to transformation and medicine work is full-body and full-life.  By full body I mean we pay careful attention to your physical and emotional experiences.  The medicine catalyses a deep process of release and transformation and it’s only when we pay attention to your body experience every step of the way that we can create a space for powerful shifts to happen. 

By full life I mean everything matters.  It’s all worthy of attention and expression.  Every area of life, every event - it’s all part of the journey.  Powerful change happens when we pay attention to the practical demands of our daily lives (time, work, family, relationships) as well as the experience of universal connection and love.

My approach is about so much more than mental knowledge.  We co-create a space where you come to experience your own wisdom in a fully embodied sense - this is the key to lasting transformation. 

For the right person at the right time transformational microdosing can amplify and accelerate the powerful process of coming home to yourself and living your life on your terms. 

Expand is designed to support you in this entire process and, if you choose to microdose, to hold and guide you as you work with the powerful energies of this medicine that the earth generously offers to us.

What do you want your life to look like four months from now?

What is your heart’s desire?

What part do you want to play in the world’s healing?

Inside Expand, you’ll not only begin the journey of answering those questions but you will begin to live those answers out in your daily life.

If you feel called I would love to have you join us inside Expand.

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